More About The Product
Introducing Fairy Non-Bio Pods – the perfect solution toyour laundry needs. These liquid capsules come in a packof 140. so you can enjoy up to 140 washes!
Unique multi-compartment design: The pods have aunique multi-compartment design which ensures thateach ingredient is released into the wash at the righttime. This means you get spotlessly clean clothes everytime.
Right amount of detergent: Each pod contains justthe right amount of detergent needed to clean yourclothes. making it easy for you to do your laundry withoutany hassle.
Suitable for sensitive skin: These Fairy Non Bio Podsare gentle on sensitive skin and do not contain any harshchemicals that may cause irritation or rashes.
The Shelf Life of this product is 12 months and it comesin liquid capsule form with a water-soluble film whichmakes it easy for you to use.Additionally. this product isnon-aerosol and originates from United Kingdom -ensuning high quality standards are met!Cleaning your clothes has never been easier with FairyNon Bio Pods – get yours today!
- Brand: Fairy
- Type: Laundry Detergent
- Capacity: 140 Pods
- Form:Pods
- For:Washing Machine
- EAN:doesnotapply
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